IRIX Installation Tools & Overlays 2001 November
SGI IRIX Installation Tools & Overlays 2001 November - Disc 2.iso
Text File
529 lines
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1. _O_r_i_g_i_n_2_0_0_0_/_2_0_0__B_A_S_E_I_O__P_R_O_M
This chapter contains information about the Origin2000/200
BASEIO PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) Monitor
pertaining to the operating system release, Irix 6.5. In
most cases, the Origin2000/200 PROM is similar to the BASEIO
PROM. The commands, environment variables, and other
information given in the _p_r_o_m(1M) manual page are largely
applicable, with the following notable exceptions:
+o Menu choice 3, ``Run Diagnostics,'' is not implemented.
If it is invoked, it prints out a wrong error message.
This message should be ignored.
+o Menu choice 6, ``Select Keyboard Layout,'' is not
+o The PROM commands _d_a_t_e, _e_a_d_d_r, and _o_f_f are not
implemented in the BASEIO PROM.
+o The ARCS device naming scheme has been extended to
allow the use of full hardware graph names to specify
devices not residing in the master module. Refer to
the _h_w_g_r_a_p_h(4) manual page for more information about
device naming. For example, in the kernel, the path
refers to partition 0 of a disk in module 1, slot io1,
controller 0 scsi target id of 1, scsi lun 0.
The old device naming scheme:
has been retained, but cannot reference devices outside
the master BASEIO board. The master BASEIO board is the
board that has the system console connected to it.
+o The old device naming scheme is not implemented for
non-disk devices like tty. For example:
ttttttttyyyy((((0000)))),,,, nnnneeeettttwwwwoooorrrrkkkk((((0000)))),,,, sssseeeerrrriiiiaaaallll((((0000))))
are not implemented in the BASEIO prom.
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+o Automatic power control features are not implemented.
+o Onyx2 PROM audio features are not implemented.
+o Some PROM command options are slightly different (see
enable, disable, and hinv below).
+o The _n_o_n_s_t_o_p, _r_e_b_o_u_n_d, and _r_b_a_u_d environment variables
are not implemented.
+o The _p_i_n_g command is available in the BASEIO prom. It
can be used to ping a remote system over the Ethernet,
which is associated with the Master BASEIO board. The
ping command takes the IP address of the remote host as
1.1 _T_h_e__P_R_O_M__G_r_a_p_h_i_c_a_l__U_s_e_r__I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e
In an attempt to improve the look and feel of the PROM user
interface, the BASEIO PROM presents you with a graphical
interface on Onyx2 systems when the _c_o_n_s_o_l_e environment
variable is set to ``g''. In all cases you can use the
keyboard instead of the mouse, and in most cases the
keystrokes required to perform a particular task are
For example, the main five-item panel displayed when the
system first starts up is identical to the five-item menu
found on previous systems. To make a selection, you either
click any mouse button on one of the five buttons on the
left, or you press the corresponding number key. The top
item (``Start System'') is option number 1, and the last
item (``Enter Command Monitor'') is option number 5.
1.2 _O_r_i_g_i_n_2_0_0_0_/_2_0_0__H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e__C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n__C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
The BASEIO PROM provides a number of commands that enable
you to examine and modify the hardware configuration of your
1.2.1 _C_h_e_c_k_i_n_g__t_h_e__H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e__I_n_v_e_n_t_o_r_y When the system
first starts up, the BASEIO PROM automatically runs
diagnostics on the CPUs, memory, and system routers. If
diagnostics find a problem with a particular component, that
component may be automatically disabled so that the system
may often continue to boot Irix. Components may also be
disabled manually by the user (see _e_n_a_b_l_e and _d_i_s_a_b_l_e
commands below).
On entry, the BASEIO PROM displays a summary of the system
components found, including their enabled/disabled status,
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including the number of CPUs available, the amount of memory
available, and the number of routers available. For
**************** SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm CCCCoooonnnnffffiiiigggguuuurrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd DDDDiiiiaaaaggggnnnnoooossssttttiiiiccccssss SSSSuuuummmmmmmmaaaarrrryyyy ****************
NNNNoooo.... ooooffff NNNNOOOODDDDEEEEssss eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 33331111
NNNNoooo.... ooooffff NNNNOOOODDDDEEEEssss ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 0000
NNNNoooo.... ooooffff CCCCPPPPUUUUssss eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 66660000
NNNNoooo.... ooooffff CCCCPPPPUUUUssss ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 2222
MMMMeeeemmmm eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 3333888844440000 MMMMBBBB
MMMMeeeemmmm ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 0000 MMMMBBBB
NNNNoooo.... ooooffff RRRRTTTTRRRRssss eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 11116666
NNNNoooo.... ooooffff RRRRTTTTRRRRssss ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeeedddd ==== 0000
(Note that due to the graphical nature of the PROM user
interface on Onyx2 systems when the _c_o_n_s_o_l_e environment
variable is set to ``g'', this summary can not be seen
because the display is quickly overwritten by the graphical
menu.) The same information is also available through the
_h_i_n_v -_v command. The hinv command on the Origin machine has
the following syntax:
hhhhiiiinnnnvvvv [[[[----vvvv]]]] [[[[----mmmm]]]] [[[[----mmmmvvvvvvvvvvvv]]]] [[[[----gggg [[[[ppppaaaatttthhhh]]]]]]]]
+o -v is the verbose option. It provides details of the
various components like processor or controller version
numbers, frequency of operation, size of the various
caches and so on.
+o -m is the manufacturing mode option. It prints
formatted Manufacturing NIC strings.
+o -mvvv is the verbose manufacturing mode. It prints
unformatted Manufacturing NIC strings.
+o -g is the graph option. It displays the full hwgraph
path strings for all important components. It can be
used to set variables like root, OSLoadPartition,
SystemPartition and so on.
For example,
>>>>>>>> hhhhiiiinnnnvvvv ----vvvv
IIIIPPPP22227777 NNNNooooddddeeee BBBBooooaaaarrrrdddd,,,, MMMMoooodddduuuulllleeee 1111,,,, SSSSllllooootttt nnnn1111
AAAASSSSIIIICCCC HHHHUUUUBBBB RRRReeeevvvv 2222,,,, ((((nnnnaaaassssiiiidddd 0000))))
PPPPrrrroooocccceeeessssssssoooorrrr AAAA:::: 222200000000 MMMMHHHHzzzz RRRR11110000000000000000,,,, RRRReeeevvvv 2222....6666,,,, 1111MMMM sssseeeeccccoooonnnnddddaaaarrrryyyy ccccaaaacccchhhheeee,,,, ((((ccccppppuuuu 0000))))
RRRR11110000000000000000FFFFPPPPCCCC RRRReeeevvvv 0000
PPPPrrrroooocccceeeessssssssoooorrrr BBBB:::: 222200000000 MMMMHHHHzzzz RRRR11110000000000000000,,,, RRRReeeevvvv 2222....6666,,,, 1111MMMM sssseeeeccccoooonnnnddddaaaarrrryyyy ccccaaaacccchhhheeee,,,, ((((ccccppppuuuu 1111))))
RRRR11110000000000000000FFFFPPPPCCCC RRRReeeevvvv 0000
- 4 -
MMMMeeeemmmmoooorrrryyyy oooonnnn bbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd,,,, 333388884444 MMMMBBBByyyytttteeeessss ((((SSSSttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrdddd))))
BBBBAAAASSSSEEEEIIIIOOOO IIIIOOOO BBBBooooaaaarrrrdddd,,,, MMMMoooodddduuuulllleeee 1111,,,, SSSSllllooootttt iiiioooo1111
AAAASSSSIIIICCCC BBBBRRRRIIIIDDDDGGGGEEEE RRRReeeevvvv 2222,,,, ((((wwwwiiiiddddggggeeeetttt 8888))))
aaaaddddaaaapppptttteeeerrrr PPPPCCCCIIII----SSSSCCCCSSSSIIII RRRReeeevvvv 4444,,,, ((((ppppcccciiii iiiidddd 0000))))
aaaaddddaaaapppptttteeeerrrr PPPPCCCCIIII----SSSSCCCCSSSSIIII RRRReeeevvvv 4444,,,, ((((ppppcccciiii iiiidddd 1111))))
aaaaddddaaaapppptttteeeerrrr IIIIOOOOCCCC3333 RRRReeeevvvv 1111,,,, ((((ppppcccciiii iiiidddd 2222))))
ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooolllllllleeeerrrr mmmmuuuullllttttiiii ffffuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnn SSSSuuuuppppeeeerrrrIIIIOOOO
ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooolllllllleeeerrrr EEEEtttthhhheeeerrrrnnnneeeetttt RRRReeeevvvv 1111
BBBBAAAASSSSEEEEIIIIOOOO IIIIOOOO BBBBooooaaaarrrrdddd,,,, MMMMoooodddduuuulllleeee 1111,,,, SSSSllllooootttt iiiioooo4444
AAAASSSSIIIICCCC BBBBRRRRIIIIDDDDGGGGEEEE RRRReeeevvvv 1111,,,, ((((wwwwiiiiddddggggeeeetttt 11111111))))
aaaaddddaaaapppptttteeeerrrr IIIIOOOOCCCC3333 RRRReeeevvvv 0000,,,, ((((ppppcccciiii iiiidddd 0000))))
ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooolllllllleeeerrrr mmmmuuuullllttttiiii ffffuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnn SSSSuuuuppppeeeerrrrIIIIOOOO
ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooolllllllleeeerrrr EEEEtttthhhheeeerrrrnnnneeeetttt RRRReeeevvvv 0000
aaaaddddaaaapppptttteeeerrrr PPPPCCCCIIII----SSSSCCCCSSSSIIII RRRReeeevvvv 2222,,,, ((((ppppcccciiii iiiidddd 2222))))
aaaaddddaaaapppptttteeeerrrr PPPPCCCCIIII----SSSSCCCCSSSSIIII RRRReeeevvvv 2222,,,, ((((ppppcccciiii iiiidddd 3333))))
AAAASSSSIIIICCCC XXXXBBBBOOOOWWWW RRRReeeevvvv 1111,,,, oooonnnn mmmmiiiiddddppppllllaaaannnneeee ooooffff MMMMoooodddduuuulllleeee 1111
1.2.2 _D_i_s_p_l_a_y_i_n_g__C_u_r_r_e_n_t__H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e__C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n To display
a list of boards installed in a Origin2000/200 or Onyx2
system, using the command monitor (with prompt ``>>''), type
hinv or hinv -v. The ----vvvv switch causes _h_i_n_v to display more
detailed information about boards. For example, typing:
hhhhiiiinnnnvvvv ----vvvv
displays the configuration of all the processors, memory
banks, and I/O adapters in the system.
1.2.3 _M_a_n_u_a_l_l_y__E_n_a_b_l_i_n_g__a_n_d__D_i_s_a_b_l_i_n_g__H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e__C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
The BASEIO PROM changes the syntax of the enable and disable
commands to allow specifying any component in any module in
the system, as follows, where <module id> is the module
number and <slotid> is the slot of the node board containing
the component (n1 through n4).
>>>>>>>> ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee ----mmmm <<<<mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee iiiidddd>>>> ----ssss <<<<sssslllloooottttiiiidddd>>>> ----mmmmeeeemmmm [[[[00001111222233334444555566667777]]]]
Disables any subset of the eight memory banks on a node,
when [01234567] is replaced by a series of digits indicating
which bank or banks (0 to 7) are to be disabled.
>>>>>>>> eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeee ----mmmm <<<<mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee iiiidddd>>>> ----ssss <<<<sssslllloooottttiiiidddd>>>> ----mmmmeeeemmmm [[[[00001111222233334444555566667777]]]]
Enables any subset of the eight memory banks.
>>>>>>>> ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee ----mmmm <<<<mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee iiiidddd>>>> ----ssss <<<<sssslllloooottttiiiidddd>>>> ----CCCCPPPPUUUU [[[[AAAABBBB]]]]
Disables either or both of the two CPUs on a node, when [AB]
- 5 -
is replaced by either A or B, indicating which CPUs are to
be disabled. If [AB] is not specified, both CPUs are
>>>>>>>> eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeee ----mmmm <<<<mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee iiiidddd>>>> ----ssss <<<<sssslllloooottttiiiidddd>>>> ----CCCCPPPPUUUU [[[[AAAABBBB]]]]
Enables either or both of the two CPUs on a node. If cpu or
mem is not specified, the entire node board is disabled.
1.2.4 _P_O_D__M_o_d_e In the unlikely event of an extreme
hardware failure, the system might drop into a low-level
diagnostic environment known as POD (Power-On Diagnostics)
mode. POD mode helps in system diagnosis and is not
intended for use by customers. Entering POD mode is usually
a sign of severe hardware problems; consult a service
provider. The system has to be reset from the system
controller if it drops into pod mode due to hardware failure
or by using the pod command.
1.3 _E_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t__V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s
This section describes special procedures to customize
certain aspects of the PROM Monitor. Many aspects of the
system startup process can be customized by changing PROM
environment variables. Some of these PROM environment
variables are stored in nonvolatile memory, which retains
its value after the system is powered off. Some common
customizations are described in the sections below. More
information is provided in the _p_r_o_m(1M) manual page.
Environment variables can be changed with the _s_e_t_e_n_v command
in the PROM Command Monitor. To get to the PROM Command
Monitor, first choose ``Stop for System Maintenance'' when
the system is starting in order to get to the System
Maintenance Menu, then choose ``Enter Command Monitor'' by
either clicking on it with the mouse or pressing 5.
1.3.1 _S_e_l_e_c_t_i_n_g__t_h_e__C_o_n_s_o_l_e__D_e_v_i_c_e Servers and
workstations can be configured to use a terminal connected
to serial port #1 on the Master BASEIO as their console. If
a system has a graphics board, the PROM Monitor uses it as
the console if the _c_o_n_s_o_l_e environment variable is set to
``g''; if graphics aren't installed or the _c_o_n_s_o_l_e variable
is set to ``d'', the system uses the serial port as the
system console.
To force the console to be the serial port, set the _c_o_n_s_o_l_e
variable to ``d'' using the _s_e_t_e_n_v command:
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv ccccoooonnnnssssoooolllleeee dddd
- 6 -
To change the console back to the graphics screen, set the
_c_o_n_s_o_l_e variable to ``g'':
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv ccccoooonnnnssssoooolllleeee gggg
Typing init reinitializes the system and forces it to switch
to the selected console device.
1.3.2 _B_o_o_t_i_n_g__F_r_o_m__a_n__A_l_t_e_r_n_a_t_e__D_i_s_k There are three boot
environment variables in the PROM for specifying the device.
The _S_y_s_t_e_m_P_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n variable specifies the location of the
device volume header. Its default value is ``dksc(0,1,8),''
which specifies SCSI controller 0, disk 1, partition 8. The
_O_S_L_o_a_d_P_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n variable specifies the device from which the
IRIX kernel should be loaded. The default value for the
_O_S_L_o_a_d_P_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n variable is ``dksc(0,1,0),'' which tells the
PROM to look for the kernel in partition 0 on disk 1 of SCSI
controller 0. By convention, the volume header is always
partition 8 on a disk, and the kernel is always located in
partition 0.
The _r_o_o_t variable is the third variable that needs to be
changed when selecting a different boot device. The _r_o_o_t
variable tells IRIX the name of the device that holds the
root filesystem. Because it is used by IRIX rather than the
PROM, its format is different from that of the
_O_S_L_o_a_d_P_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n and _S_y_s_t_e_m_P_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n variables. The default
value of _r_o_o_t is ``dks0d1s0,'' which specifies that the root
filesystem is stored on partition 0 of disk 1 on SCSI
controller 0.
To boot from disk number two on controller 0, type:
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmmPPPPaaaarrrrttttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ddddkkkksssscccc((((0000,,,,2222,,,,8888))))
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv OOOOSSSSLLLLooooaaaaddddPPPPaaaarrrrttttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ddddkkkksssscccc((((0000,,,,2222,,,,0000))))
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv rrrrooooooootttt ddddkkkkssss0000dddd2222ssss0000
To boot from disk number one on controller 1, type:
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmmPPPPaaaarrrrttttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ddddkkkksssscccc((((1111,,,,1111,,,,8888))))
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv OOOOSSSSLLLLooooaaaaddddPPPPaaaarrrrttttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ddddkkkksssscccc((((1111,,,,1111,,,,0000))))
>>>>>>>> sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv rrrrooooooootttt ddddkkkkssss1111dddd1111ssss0000
The above variables refer to controllers 0 and 1. These are
the SCSI channels present on the Master BASEIO board which
is the BASEIO board that has the console connected to it.
The system can boot off of any disk connected to controllers
0 and 1 if the variables have the correct disk number.
To boot from a disk other than those present on the channels
0 and 1, the above 3 variables should be set to hwgraph
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paths as seen by the IRIX kernel. For example,
sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmmPPPPaaaarrrrttttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ////hhhhwwww////mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee////1111////ssssllllooootttt////iiiioooo2222////bbbbaaaasssseeeeiiiioooo////ppppcccciiii////1111////ssssccccssssiiii____ccccttttllllrrrr////0000////
sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv OOOOSSSSLLLLooooaaaaddddPPPPaaaarrrrttttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ////hhhhwwww////mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee////1111////ssssllllooootttt////iiiioooo2222////bbbbaaaasssseeeeiiiioooo////ppppcccciiii////1111////ssssccccssssiiii____ccccttttllllrrrr////0000////
sssseeeetttteeeennnnvvvv rrrrooooooootttt ////hhhhwwww////mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee////1111////ssssllllooootttt////iiiioooo2222////bbbbaaaasssseeeeiiiioooo////ppppcccciiii////1111////ssssccccssssiiii____ccccttttllllrrrr////0000////
The command 'hinv -g' can be used to find the hwgraph path of the
required device. The user has to append 'partition/P/block' to the
path as necessary.
1.3.3 _S_t_a_r_t_i_n_g__t_h_e__S_y_s_t_e_m__A_u_t_o_m_a_t_i_c_a_l_l_y By default, the
PROM starts the operating system after waiting a brief
period of time each time the system is powered on. If you
do not click on the ``Stop for System Maintenance'' button,
or press the <Esc> key, the system attempts to start the
operating system by loading it into memory and executing it.
The environment variable _a_u_t_o_l_o_a_d can be set to ``yes'' to
enable this feature, or to ``no'' (the default) to inhibit
it. If automatic startup is disabled, the PROM displays the
System Maintenance Menu after running power-on diagnostics.
1.3.4 _B_o_o_t_i_n_g__W_i_t_h__N_o_n_-_T_e_r_m_i_n_a_l__H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e__F_a_i_l_u_r_e_s By
default, the PROM stops and prints a warning message if it
discovers that a component has failed in some manner. In
many cases, however, the failure of a single processor or
bank of memory isn't enough to keep the system from coming
up. If your Origin2000/200 system is configured with eight
processors, losing one of them is non-fatal.
1.3.5 _R_e_s_t_o_r_i_n_g__D_e_f_a_u_l_t_s The PROM environment variables
can be reset to their factory defaults by issuing the
_r_e_s_e_t_e_n_v command from the PROM Command Monitor. Because
_r_e_s_e_t_e_n_v also resets the _n_e_t_a_d_d_r, _r_o_o_t, _S_y_s_t_e_m_P_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n and
_O_S_L_o_a_d_P_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n environment variable, you may wish to note
the values of these variables before using this command.
1.4 _M_o_d_u_l_e__N_u_m_b_e_r_i_n_g
Each module in an Origin2000 system must be given a module
number. The module number serves to identify the location
of CPUs, memory, and devices in the system. For example, a
disk device in module 3 might be called
Every module must have a unique module number in the range 1
- 8 -
to 99, inclusive. Changing a module number may require
system administration since the names by which devices are
referenced in IRIX will change.
If a new module is added to the system, and its module ID is
zero, it will automatically be assigned a new module number.
Otherwise, the module number may have to be reassigned
manually if it is not unique. The BASEIO PROM will detect
if module numbers are not unique and request that they be
renumbered. There are three ways to change module numbers:
+o If the BASEIO PROM detects inconsistent module
numbering, it will offer to renumber all modules. This
option should be accepted only if complete renumbering
would be deemed acceptable by the system administrator.
Complete renumbering might move the console to a
different BASEIO, change the disk controller numbers,
+o Connect to the MSC (module system controller) on the
required module through the MSC serial port, either
directly or indirectly through the MMSC (multi-module
system controller). Enter a ^T (Control-T), then type
the string _m_o_d and press <ENTER>. This command will
display the current module number as a one- or two-
digit hexadecimal value. To change the module number,
enter a ^T, then type the string _m_o_d # , where # is
replaced by the new one- or two-digit hexadecimal
module number, and press <ENTER>. For example,
^^^^TTTTmmmmoooodddd 1111
sets the module number to 1.
+o Use the POD command _m_o_d_u_l_e to display the current
module in decimal, and _m_o_d_u_l_e # to change the module
number, where # is replaced by the new module number in
decimal. After connecting to the MSC of the module, for
which you want to set the module number, the command,
PPPPOOOODDDD >>>> mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee
displays the current module number. The command,
PPPPOOOODDDD >>>> mmmmoooodddduuuulllleeee 1111
sets the module number to 1.